Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Falling Skies, 7/24/11

Wow. Am I psychic or what? Cuz I totally called Pope coming to the kids’ rescue. Granted, he did it because he was more furious that those people were colluding with skitters than he was concerned about the kids’ welfare, lol, but still. It’s the thought that counts. Plus, I dig his sarcasm. And his hair. Lol.

Ok, any points that General Sergeant Major Lieutenant Corporal Commander Colonel Captain Weaver lost for being a little slow to realize that RAD the Pied Piper had lied to them, he gained back by helping to deliver a breech baby. Impressive! Kudos, Weaver. I figured it would be Maggie who helped out, since she and Pregnant Chick are totally all BFF now. (Random: “Charlotte”? Boooooooring! There’s a dang alien invasion taking place! I woulda named my daughter “Revolution” or “Fighter” or “Dta,” pronounced “deeta,” short for “death to aliens.”)

And now to go completely ballistic, cuz some stuff in this episode made me yell at the tv.
1. Hal.
Are you kidding me??? You’re on the run from a group of people who want to GIVE YOU TO THE ALIENS, and you a. choose a house with massive windows to hide in, b. let people sit in front of /play board games in front of said massive windows, and 3. let Lourdes play the piano in an otherwise completely silent neighborhood?? COME ON! I know Hal’s only a high school senior, but my elementary school niece has better survival skills than that! And Lourdes is in medical school. Old enough to know better. Idiots!
2. Hal’s sex appeal.
The kid is cute. No argument there. But just how the hell many love interests is he going to rack up? First his blonde girlfriend (does he even remember her name?), then Lourdes and her crush (If he’s only 17, somebody needs to explain “statutory rape” to her.), then Monotone Maggie, then Tessa at the ranch. It’s getting old. Newsflash, writers: we wanna see Anne and Tom get a little closer. ANNE AND TOM. Not Hal and his weekly female. Thank you.
3. Rick.
HELLOOOOOOO???? Can nobody see that Mike’s son (Rest in peace, Mike. *sad*) is not quite right? For the love of sanity, the kid is practically screaming “I’m no longer human, you fools!” I get that once-harnessed children may be a bit weird (Ben is super strong and seems “like an adult”), but Rick is waaaay beyond that. And he keeps repeatedly blatantly telling people that he’s Team Skitter! I get why Mike (Rest in peace, Mike. *still sad*) may have overlooked Rick’s weirdness, but everybody else needs to WAKE UP!

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