Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Falling Skies, 7/10/11

Wow. That Maggie is pretty useful, ain’t she? Killed the rapist racist rednecks, is a great soldier, knows where vast stores of medical drugs are to be found, knows the layout of the hospital, joined the group just in time to be Hal’s replacement love interest. Now, if they can only get her to talk in something other than a monotone.

Whoa! They killed Dr. Douchebag just like that? From the sec we found out he let Tom’s wife die, I knew he was a gonner, but still. That was unexpected.

Oh no. Is General Sergeant Major Lieutenant Corporal Commander Colonel Captain Weaver is a secret pill-popper? Cuz once the supply runs out, bad things could happen. Trust. YAY ANNE: not only is she now the head doctor in charge, but she totally went all girl power and knocked that alien* unconscious. Color me impressed! Ok … just … ewwwwwwwwww. I don’t know why, but I was hella grossed out when the skitter curled itself protectively over the harnessed kids and stroked their heads protectively as they slept. And so relieved when it was killed. Killed Anne style. YAY ANNE.

I know the baby shower scene was supposed to remind us that even in the most dire of circumstances people strive for normalcy blah blah blah, but it just made me sad that that chick has to have a baby during an alien invasion. :( But I was cheered right back up when Ben awoke. “Dad?” YAY BEN. :)

*Really? Nobody (except the pregnant chick) saw a problem with keeping a skitter alive and imprisoned at home base? And even after it killed Dr. Douchebag, GSMLCCCC Weaver still gave it a few hours!..

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