Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Walking Dead: 18 Miles Out, 2/26/12

We open with a horde of zombs exiting a window to chase weaponless Shane who barricades himself inside a school bus, some tied-up dude crawling on the ground toward a knife, and Rick in a dumpster.

I guess that will be explained later. So, Rick and Shane are driving along; Rick stops the car, asks about Otis. Shane admits he killed Otis to stay alive. Rick, thankfully, doesn’t launch into a lecture about right and wrong; he goes to the meat o’ the matter and asks Shane if Shane thinks that he (Rick) wouldn’t have killed Otis? Shane says no. Rick asks does Shane think he can’t keep Carl and Lori safe? Shane says he never said that. (SHANE IS A LIE TELLER.) It’s just that Rick can’t be the good guy and expect to survive. Rick tells him he (Rick) is not the good guy anymore, that it took everything he had to keep from hurting Shane when Rick found out about him and Lori, that he will stay alive to protect his family, that Shane doesn’t love Lori, and Shane better cease and desist all dangerous, mutinous behavior. Can Shane agree to all that? Shane says he wants Rick to know he never looked at Lori before*, and if he could take it all back, he would. Wtf, Shane? Is that a yes or a no? Rick checks on a bound, hooded, earphoned, and gagged Randall in the trunk of the car.

(*Oh, bullshit. Just last episode, Shane told Lori what they had “was a long time coming,” [to which she immediately shot back, “It was NOT!”], so again, SHANE IS A LIE TELLER.)

In the kitchen, Maggie tells Lori about her Glenn problems. Lori tells her Glenn is a big boy and he can make his own choices and she doesn’t have anything to apologize for, and tell Glenn to man up and pull himself together. Two thumbs up to all of that. Lori takes a tray of food to Beth so Maggie can go talk to Glenn. She drops off the tray, tells Beth to eat up then they’ll go for a walk. Beth, instead, wants to discuss what I’ve been yelling since Lori first peed on a stick: “You’re pregnant? How could you do that?” Lori answers, “I don’t have much of a choice.” No, dammit! She’s not asking why you’re having the baby; she’s asking why you were dumb enough to get knocked up in the first place! (See: Maggie, who waited until she had condoms!)

Shane and Rick find a good place to drop Randall off. They scavenge for supplies after using knives instead of guns to take out two zombs, a tactic Rick wants to start using as much as possible. As Rick siphons gasoline, Shane comments that he doesn’t see any bites on the two dead zombs. Rick says they must’ve been infected through scratches. (I’m assuming that bit of info will come back in a major way later.)

Lori checks on Beth, finds her crying about how pointless it all is. Lori pep talks; Beth thanks her. But that “thank you” had more of an stfu feel to it to me. Lori takes the tray to the kitchen, realizes the knife is missing, and rushes back to get it from Beth, who’s hiding it under the covers. Lori runs to go ask Andrea to find Maggie or Herschel, then hurries back to the house. I would’ve just waited for somebody to happen by, not left Beth alone in a house with a kitchen full of knives.

Shane and Rick take a bound, hooded, earphoned, and gagged Randall out of the trunk of the car, remove the hood, phones, and gag, leave him a knife, and walk away. Randall starts begging them not to leave him alone … and he will not stfu. FAIL. He should wriggle his trussed ass over to the knife, free himself, and get about the business of surviving, not sit there helpless and tied up and screaming loudly enough to attract all zombs within a three-mile radius. Idiot. But it kind of works, cuz one of the many things he yells is that he went to school with Maggie. Shane and Rick freeze. Well hell’s bells, that means he knows where she lives and where the farm is. All their can’t-find-his-way-back precautions were for naught. Shane whips out his gun and BOOM tries to kill Randall, but Rick knocks the shot off target. “Not now!” Rick yells. So of course Shane says this is yet another example of Rick trying to be the good guy instead of doing what’s smartest for his family. And he can’t keep them safe. Rick loses it and throws a punch; he and Shane brawl. Like, intensely brawl. Shane even tips a motorcycle over onto Rick, lol. But they accomplish nothing more than disarming and bloodying each other. Shane throws a wrench at Rick; he misses spectacularly and it goes through a window with a mighty crash—and suddenly we’re at the opening scene. Zombs come pouring out and give chase. Rick kills one and hides under it. A zomb notices wriggling Randall and approaches; he cuts his legs free just in time, stomps on it and breaks its arm to slow it down, gets his hands free, then knifes it to death. Impressive. Rick manages to get to his gun and kill three zombs who fall on top of him, the last one by shooting through the head of the first one. Ha! That's like that scene in The Last Crusade, when Indy kills like five Nazis by shooting just one bullet.

In the kitchen, as they listen to Maggie and Beth yell at each other, Andrea and Lori also argue. Andrea says that Lori taking the knife from Beth was wrong, just as it was wrong when Dale took her gun from her. GET OVER IT ALREADY, ANDREA. But then I’m Team Andrea when Lori makes me want to punch her in the face telling Andrea that instead of helping the men defend the farm, Andrea should be helping with all the chores. (Say it with me, ladies: WTF?!???) They have it out. Lori says that Andrea refusing to help with chores means more work for the rest of the girls. Andrea says defense is more important than clean clothes. (Um, YES.) Lori says sitting on top of the RV working on her tan isn’t contributing much. Andrea say she’s on walker watch up there, bitch (Ok, I addded that "bitch."), and Lori needs to stfu because all the rest of them have lost people, but Lori’s husband and son both came back from the dead, and now she’s got a baby on the way to boot, so her head is clearly in the clouds. And then she storms off. Disappointing. I wanted them to have a Rick/Shane-style brawl right there in the kitchen and Andrea to kick Lori’s skinny ass. In the bedroom, Beth tells Maggie that there’s no point to living, that eventually the farm will be overrun and nobody will protect them, that they should kill themselves together. Tonight. Andrea knocks, volunteers to sit with Beth so Maggie can get some rest. Soon as Maggie leaves, Andrea leaves. Soon as Andrea leaves, Beth goes to the bathroom, locks the door, breaks the mirror, slits a wrist. Lori and Maggie break in, find her bleeding. Later, Andrea hears Beth tried to off herself, comes running up to the house, asks Maggie if Beth’s ok. Maggie says she’ll live; the cuts weren’t deep. A satisfied Andrea says that means Beth made her choice and wants to live. A furious Maggie orders Andrea away and tells her never to enter the farmhouse again. Andrea leaves. Lori surprises me and sticks up for Andrea, says that what Andrea did was extreme but at least now Beth has decided not to kill herself.

Rick and Randall find each other; through the bus windows, Shane sees them leave. He should be glad, right? I mean, since Rick’s finally doing the right thing and saving himself instead of risking his life to save other people, and all. Just kidding; Rick ain’t leaving. He and Randall go get the car. Randall driving, Rick shooting, they come speeding through guns-ablazing, firing on the zomb horde. Shane runs out the back of the bus and jumps in the car window, and they're off. Later, Shane and Rick stop the car to put a re-bound, re-hooded, re-earphoned, re-gagged Randall back in the trunk, have a chat. Rick says, “If you want to kill me, you’re going to have to do better than a ranch.” (I didn’t exaggerate. He said “ranch” instead of “wrench.”) He says he probably will end up having to kill Randall, but he wants a night to think about it. He repeats that it’s his wife, his son, his baby, and Shane is going to have to follow his lead. Shane AGAIN doesn’t say yea or nay, but he takes the gun Rick’s offering, and they head on down the road.

(Random: check out Jon Bernthal [Shane] in a 2002 episode of Law & Order. Nice guns, Jon.)

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