It’s raining; it’s pouring; the dinosaurs are snoring. Kidding. They’re hiding out in treetops waiting for a rover-load of juicy, delicious Terra Nova (TN) soldiers to get a flat tire. Dinner is served.
Tough-chick Lt. Washington teaches a group of youngsters a Survival Training class — which after last episode probably became mandatory. As the kids learn how to start a fire, tell which direction is north, and find food, Maddy and Hot Soldier keep making googly eyes at each other. After class, Josh gets sent to go de-muck latrines, part of his punishment. Good. That night, Elizabeth and Jim try to have a little husband-wifey time, if you catch my drift, but plans are thwarted first by a screeching dinobird, which Jim shoos away, then by Zoe, who wanted to cuddle. Jim handles it well for a dude who’s been in prison the last two years.
Next morning, Taylor and some soldiers are prepping to head out after the missing supply crew. He sends Jim to the hospital to get a medic to accompany them. Jim interrupts a happy reunion of Elizabeth and Malcolm Wallace, an old school friend. Well — it’s happy until Elizabeth introduces Jim as her husband; Malcolm does a pretty piss-poor job of hiding the fact that he’s not happy to see Jim.
As the soldiers search in the sunny forest, Jim asks Taylor why the Sixers want him dead. Taylor says he doesn’t know (Yeah right. Secret-keeper!); then asks Jim to try to find out just who it is in TN who’s feeding intel to Mira and the Sixers. Which makes sense, cuz the only people Taylor can be sure aren’t dirty moles are the ones who arrived on the very last pilgrimage. Everyone else is suspect. (I'm watching you, Skye.) The soldiers stumble upon the supply crew. They're dead. Like, weirdly dead, with their faces all … chewed.
Back at TN, Josh wanders around the market with Skye, who’s also decked out in latrine-mucking gear. Good. A legless man tries to sell Josh a guitar for “sixty terras” — and I am supremely glad he didn’t say “sixty taylors.” A lesser man might have milked that whole I-was-the-first-settler thing and named the money after himself.
In the hospital, Malcolm (You don’t need to stand that close to Elizabeth, Malcolm.) theorizes that mayhap the dead soldiers were attacked by tree darter snakes? But Jim finds a claw/talon/tooth thingy in a soldier’s clothes; tree darters don’t have claw/talon/tooth thingies. Elizabeth has to stay and autopsy, so Jim has to play Mr. Mom for the night, cooking dinner and stressing over Maddy’s crush. It was cute. That night, he and Elizabeth try once more for some husband-wifey time but are again interrupted (DAMMIT!) by a screeching dinobird. Josh (who, I’m happy to see, is way less angsty and much more agreeable. Thank you, near-death experience.) heads outside with Jim to shoo it away. But it’s not an it; it’s a whole flock, and they attaaaaaaaaaaaack! Jim and Josh make it inside, but not before one chews on Jim’s hand — leaving a claw/talon/tooth thingy.
Malcolm wants a science team to observe the creatures, which aren’t birds but reptiles, some new breed of terrasaur. Taylor says since they’ve killed three people and attacked two more, he’s declaring a moratorium on anybody leaving TN til the reasons behind the attacks are understood. Malcolm, who really wants to get his science geek on, walks off in a huff. Yeah, nothing’s more annoying than somebody telling you you can’t put yourself in harm’s way. Oh — then we learn why Malcolm was so shocked to see Jim. Jim asks Taylor how Elizabeth got selected to come to TN. Taylor tells him Malcolm submitted her name. HA! So when Malcolm heard that the husband of that hot chick he used to date in college, his one that got away, was in prison, he was all, “This is my chance!” and pulled some strings to get her sent to TN, hoping they could rekindle the flame. Yeah, not so much.
Out in the busy marketplace, without warning, hundreds of the birdasaurs suddenly attaaaaaaaaaaaack! Eventually, Lt. Washington, Malcolm, and Taylor figure out that TN was built on their breeding ground — OOPS — and that millions more are headed there to spawn. Malcolm and Elizabeth request a pair be captured alive. As Jim and some soldiers head out to catch them, Jim tells Malcolm he knows the real reason Malcolm wanted Elizabeth on TN. Malcolm goes all stuttering sputtering super geek — which means Jim’s right.
Skye waits out the invasion at the Shannon household, which Hot Soldier has switched with some other soldier to guard. Jim, utilizing his well-developed powers of observation, notices this. At the lab, Malcolm and Elizabeth race to isolate and duplicate dinobird pheromones to be used to lure the critters away from TN. Once the ‘mones are ready, Taylor and Jim load them into a big vat, load the vat into a rover, and drive away, millions of screeching dinobirds hot on their tail.
As the sun comes up, they return, tired and bloody but ok. Lt. Washington seems *very* happy to see Taylor; he affectionately calls her “Wash.” Are they a thing? (Am I jealous?) Everyone heads off to get some shut-eye after the long, harrowing night (Jim and Elizabeth get some husband-wifey time. YAY!) … but not before Malcolm says that “Malcolmus Terrasauria” has been successfully relocated. *sigh* If he had been the first settler, that guitar would cost “sixty malcolms.” :(
I don’t like him, but I don’t think he’s the mole. He’s too busy taking plant samples. And Skye's too busy buying guitars for Josh. You know who I think it is? Hot Soldier. BE CAREFUL, MADDY.
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