Monday, August 1, 2011

Falling Skies, 7/31/11

True story: I once lost a $100 bet I couldn’t jump rope for 15 minutes. I was fat and out of shape, but heck, I thought, little girls jump rope! It’s not exactly hauling logs! Well, it might as well have been. I made it all of three minutes. So at the beginning of this episode when we learn Ben has been jumping rope for TWO HOURS AND FORTY MINUTES straight, I got the sads, wondering if that’s a subtle hint that he, like Rick, has been irrevocably evil-ized by the skitters. (I keep almost typing “Skittles.” Taste the rainbow.)

ARRRRRRGH! Ok, skitters are ugly and scary, but those emaciated silver giant humanoid aliens are CREEPY.

When the old lady invited Tom and Hal to her place, you may have been worried it was a trap. But this is Lady Killer Hal the Heartthrob, remember? She’s probably just his love interest this episode. Observation: motorcycles make a LOT of noise. Yes, they go fast, but any aliens in the area can hear you coming a mile away. I’d be riding bicycles.

YAY BEN. “I hate the skitters!” he screamed. But why’s his back not healing like all the other ex-harnessees (except Rick)? Oh—because Rick and Ben are slowly transforming into skitters. :( But, so, is Ben evil? Why doesn’t he tell anybody that Rick is a lost cause? Will he stop Rick from warning the skitters that the humans have figured out how to shoot through mek armor? Pardon the barrage of questions, but this the most interesting subplot of the whole show. It’s cute how little Mac and might-be-evil Ben look alike, but Heartthrob Hal looks like he wandered into the family off the street. Lol. Speaking of Heartthrob Hal, the old lady told the aliens where to find him, Tom, and General Sergeant Major Lieutenant Corporal Commander Colonel Captain Weaver because “they promised they’d bring you back.” Toldja she had the hots for him, heh. ARRRRRRGH at seeing the CREEPY emaciated silver giant humanoid aliens through her peephole. Awwwww. :( Poor Weaver. Take note, show writers: after all he’s been through, it would be oh-so touching if his wife and daughter were indeed alive.

FAIL to Anne and Lourdes for dissecting the skitter wearing nothing more for protection than glasses and gloves. Yeah right. I’d have been in four layers of plastic with my entire head Saran Wrapped, breathing through tiny nostril holes. LOL at Pope’s “That is so three weeks ago” and the dirty look he gave the soldiers for pointing their guns at him. I effing love Pope. Hey, where’s Monotone Maggie? I need my weekly dose of her deadpan.

Two-hour season finale next week? This awesomeness is almost over already? :(

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